ORAO VRF is a multi-party verifiable random function oracle based on EDDSA. It is able to provide 64 bytes of verifiable randomness in response to a randomness request.

Basic usage scenario

  1. Create a new randomness request.
    • This operation requires a unique seed to be given by the client. This seed is used for randomness verification.
  2. Use generated randomness as soon as request is fulfilled.
    • Oracle will fulfill new requests as soon as possible, this procedure includes the verification step, so no unverified randomness should appear on-chain.
  3. (Optional) Verify generated randomness off-chain.


There are two SDKs available:

  1. The orao-solana-vrfopen in new window crate – the code bellow is based on this Rust SDK.
  2. The JS SDK – JavaScript SDK, as well as the source code of the Rust SDK, is available in the public repository on GitHub solana-vrfopen in new window. All tests within this repo are based on the JavaScript SDK.

Anatomy of a randomness request

The RandomnessRequestopen in new window structure is used to store the requested randomness:

  • seed field – stores the request seed
  • randomness field – this is the field of interest, that stores the fulfilled randomness. It will be zeroed until the randomness request is fulfilled.
  • responses field – you may look at this field in case you are willing to perform off-chain verification (there are helpers for this in both SDKs)

Anatomy of a VRF configuration

The NetworkStateopen in new window structure holds the on-chain VRF data. Here we'll talk about its config, field, that stores the NetworkConfigurationopen in new window. The field that may be interesting to you are:

  • request_fee – randomness request will cost this many lamports
  • fulfillment_authorities – public keys of fulfillment authorities
  • token_fee_cofig - if defined, then it's possible to pay fees in SPL instead of SOL

Rust-native example

This section will illustrate the off-chain usage (full code is available on GitHubopen in new window)

1. Setup the connection

Rust SDK is based on the anchor-clientopen in new window library, so you'll need to acquire the Program instance to use it:

let payer: Keypair = ..; // get this from the solana configuration
let client = Client::new_with_options(Cluster::Devnet, Rc::new(payer), CommitmentConfig::finalized());
let program = client.program(orao_solana_vrf::id());

2. Create a request

There is a convenient RequestBuilderopen in new window for this purpose:

let seed = rand::random();
let tx = RequestBuilder::new(seed)
    .expect("Randomness request")
    .expect("Transaction hash");

3. Wait for fulfillment

There are multiple ways to wait for fulfillment including pub-sub, but this example will use a simple loop:

let randomness_address = orao_solana_vrf::randomness_account_address(&seed);
let randomness_account = loop {
    match program.account::<Randomness>(randomness_address) {
        Ok(randomness) if randomness.fulfilled().is_some() => break randomness,
        _ => {
println!("Randomness for seed {:?} is fulfilled with {:?}", seed, randomness_account.randomness);

CPI Example

CPI is an abbreviation for Cross Program Invocation – a way for one contract to call another contract within a single transaction. This section will illustrate this (full code is available in on GitHubopen in new window).

The contract we'll use to illustrate the CPI is a simple single-player Russian Roulette where the outcome of a round is derived from a fulfilled randomness.

Note: the randomness will not be immediately available for your contract, so you'll need to design it in a way that it'll wait for randomness being fulfilled. In our example a player won't be able to start another round until the current one is finished (until the randomness is fulfilled).

1. Create the contract

This examples is based on the Anchor Frameworkopen in new window. Please consult the Anchor Bookopen in new window on how to create a contract.

To perform a CPI call you'll need to add the orao VRF rust SDK with the cpi feature into the list of your dependencies:

# ...
orao-solana-vrf = { version = "0.2.3", default-features = false, features = ["cpi"] }

2. Collect the necessary accounts

Each Solana instruction requires a proper list of accounts. We'll need to call the Request instruction so here is the list of required accounts:

  • payer – VRF client
  • network_state – VRF on-chain state address
  • treasury - address of the VRF treasury (taken from the VRF on-chain state)
  • request - PDA to store the randomness (derived from the seed)
  • system_program – required to create the request account

Above means that our instruction needs all of these accounts besides it's own accounts. Particularly our Russian-Roulette instruction will require the following list of accounts:

#[instruction(force: [u8; 32])]
pub struct SpinAndPullTheTrigger<'info> {
    /// Player will be the `payer` account in the CPI call.
    player: Signer<'info>,

    /// This is the player state account, it is required by Russian-Roulette to store player data
    // (number of rounds played and info to derive the last round outcome)
        payer = player,
        space = 8 + PlayerState::SIZE,
        seeds = [
    player_state: Account<'info, PlayerState>,

    /// This account points to the last VRF request, it is necessary to validate that the player
    /// is alive and is able to play another round.
    /// CHECK:
        seeds = [RANDOMNESS_ACCOUNT_SEED.as_ref(), player_state.force.as_ref()],
        seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf::ID
    prev_round: AccountInfo<'info>,

    /// This account is the current VRF request account, it'll be the `request` account in the CPI call.
    /// CHECK:
        seeds = [RANDOMNESS_ACCOUNT_SEED.as_ref(), &force],
        seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf::ID
    random: AccountInfo<'info>,

    /// VRF treasury account, it'll be the `treasury` account in the CPI call.
    /// CHECK:
    treasury: AccountInfo<'info>,
        seeds = [CONFIG_ACCOUNT_SEED.as_ref()],
        seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf::ID

    /// VRF on-chain state account, it'll be the `network_state` account in the CPI call.
    config: Account<'info, NetworkState>,

    /// VRF program address to invoke CPI
    vrf: Program<'info, OraoVrf>,

    /// System program address to create player_state and to be used in CPI call.
    system_program: Program<'info, System>,

3. Perform a CPI call

In the Anchor Framework there is a CpiContext for this purpose (please consult the corresponding sectionopen in new window of the Anchor Book):

let cpi_program = ctx.accounts.vrf.to_account_info();
let cpi_accounts = orao_solana_vrf::cpi::accounts::Request {
    payer: ctx.accounts.player.to_account_info(),
    network_state: ctx.accounts.config.to_account_info(),
    treasury: ctx.accounts.treasury.to_account_info(),
    request: ctx.accounts.random.to_account_info(),
    system_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),
let cpi_ctx = anchor_lang::context::CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts);
orao_solana_vrf::cpi::request(cpi_ctx, force)?;

4. Use the fulfilled randomness

Our contract derives round outcome from the fulfilled randomness, round considered to be in-progress if randomness is not yet fulfilled:

/// Last round outcome.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum CurrentState {
    /// Player is alive and able to play.
    /// Player is dead and can't play anymore.
    /// Player is waiting for current round to finish.

/// Derives last round outcome.
pub fn current_state(randomness: &Randomness) -> CurrentState {
    if let Some(randomness) = randomness.fulfilled() {
        if is_dead(randomness) {
        } else {
    } else {

/// Decides whether player is dead or alive.
fn is_dead(randomness: &[u8; 64]) -> bool {
    // use only first 8 bytes for simplicyty
    let value = randomness[0..size_of::<u64>()].try_into().unwrap();
    u64::from_le_bytes(value) % 6 == 0
Last Updated:
Contributors: PokoPoko2ry